
Dunkeld Enduro 2023
Well, that time of year is upon us again and we'll soon be welcoming you all to Dunkeld on the same day to ride, race and have fun. And in big news this year we are making this a 2 day event - that's 2 days of racing!
If you haven't entered yet you can head over to Sientries to get signed up.
To get you in the mood here's the race report from 2021 -
The Dunkeld Enduro 2021, the race that almost wasn't. 2020 was an outright cancel due to the pandemic but in my mind 2021 was surely a goer, right? My mind was set on our usual spot of late April, that soon turned to May and then into June and right up until the end of May I wasn't even sure if I'd be able to have you all back in the village racing, but the stars aligned and even the weather gods played ball. Saturday 12th June was race day!
We had the biggest field we've ever had here in Dunkeld and some changes to sign on made for a very quiet event HQ and at times I wondered where everyone was but it all went smoothly and the wait for the stages was less, maybe that's a win to keep for future years.
Stage 1 Pink Floyd – in these conditions = fast, very fast. The straight, flat out nature of this trail makes for a very fun start to the day, the climb up is rewarded by epic views and the down brings a smile to everyone's face and you just know the day has started well. Bring on Stage 2 Doug n Dan's – now it's fair to say this may be a Marmite stage, some love the slightly flatter nature others find the pedalling tough, it gives other element to add to the variety and reminds us that Dunkeld isn't all gnar. Stage 3 Cairn to Cottage – now for those doing the Full course well done, Cairn to Cottage is a hard one, it's rough, it's steep, it's tech, it is the gnar. Your faces at the bottom of this stage said it all “phew, I'm down and in one piece, what's next?”. Stage 4 the DH track, this is a classic and no trip to Dunkeld is complete without a ride down this trail. The taping to make it enduro friendly and super fun has been carefully mastered over the years and this year we nailed it, with so many comments that the flow and feel was spot on. Although hands up if you are used to the DH track finishing on the fireroad? The sneaky extra section after the road caught a few people out. Stage 5 Cave Pass – Cave Pass as a trail has been there for a long time but over the years it's become more and more rider friendly and with a few special tweaks to make it race day friendly we had something new and again very different to race on. (Please feel free to come ride Cave Pass again but note that some elements of the trail will not be the same as race day, no bridge and no access down towards the sawmill.) Stage 6 The Mast/The Rudder combo – the steep climb, the views, the fast, steep, natural/bike park/tech trail, it's a finish that results in a shouting, laughing and “just holding on” type of ride.
With over 15 minutes of racing the results were so close with some places being lost or won by a few seconds. Huge congrats to everyone who took home a prize. The results can be found here - https://www.sportident.co.uk/.../High.../2021/DunkeldEnduro/
For me the 2021 Dunkeld Enduro will be remembered for the smiles, the dust and for the sense of normality. A huge thank you to all of the riders and supporters and to everyone who makes this race possible -
The marshals and registration desk team, Forestry and Land Scotland, Murthly Estate, Atholl Estates and Blair Castle, Mr Cox, SPORTident and SiEntries, Dunkeld in Bloom for use of the gardens, Progression Bikes, The Scottish Deli for marshal lunches, coffees and opening specially early for all the riders and team, all the photographers, @thephantomworkshop for the trophies and Lylwood @ WoodBusker Pyrography for the fastest overall trophies, the Dunkeld and Birnam village and residents for supporting and hosting this event and of course anyone I've forgotten at time of writing.

Photo credit: Shovel and Spade photography